Title I School Information
ESEA Waiver
Jefferson County Schools Parent Compact
Annual Parent Notification: Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) makes it clear that Congress expects local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools receiving federal funds to ensure that parents are actively involved and knowledgeable about their schools and their children’s education. The law requires schools to give parents many different kinds of information and notices in a uniform and understandable format and, to the extent practicable, in a language that the parents can understand. Listed on the document linked above are some of these required notices that must be made to parents by school districts or individual public schools.
Additional school specific forms are available for school leaders in the JCS Public folders under Federal Programs.
What Does It Mean to Be a Title I School?
- Title I Schools receive special funding.
- This money goes towards instructional needs to help students reach proficiency in math and reading.
- Some specific areas that are supported with Title I funds are:
- instructional assistants
- instructional materials for classrooms
- technology resources
- The curriculum and assessment materials that we use to support instruction are available on our public portal.
- All students are expected to grow at least one academic year and work towards reaching On Track or Mastery achievement levels.
- School-Parent Compacts are available at each Title I school; this document outlines stakeholder responsibilities.
- Parents have a right to be involved. Parent involvement supports student learning.
Family Resource Center Information
Complaint Procedures for Federal Programs
JCS Federal Programs Department
Visit the Federal Programs Department page to learn more about Federal Funding in Jefferson County Schools.