The 2024-2025 Academic Calendar requires that all teachers earn 6 Hours of Self-Selected In-Service. All Self-Selected Inservice (SSI) and Professional Development Points (PDPs) require prior principal or supervisor approval. SSI must be completed outside of contracted working hours. Be sure to confirm principal approval before investing time in Professional Development opportunities intended to be used for SSI and/or PDPS.
2024-2025 Professional Development Schedules & Agendas Available HERE.
Check back for possible schedule updates on the morning of each In-Service and Professional Development Day!
2024-2025 Required Training
Staff and District Calendar
Upcoming Professional Development events and details are included on the Staff Calendar. Select the Individual Caledar Event for additional details.
Calendar & Category Legend:
- JCS District
- Staff Public
Jefferson County Schools Sign-In Form
Professional Development participation can be documented using the Jefferson County Schools Sign-In Form available (1) on the left navigation of this page, (2) with the QR Code to the right, or (3) copy and paste this url into your browser: Educators can record self-selected or non-self-selected hours using this form. Participants will receive an automatically generated PDF upon submission of the form. Certificates can be stored digitally, printed in hard copy, and/or uploaded to TNCompass for principal approval of PDP points. Certificates for earned SSI should be included with year-end documentation submitted to principals or supervisors.
You may also use this shortened url to access the JCS Sign-In Form: